
Being Born Poor is Not Your Fault But Dying Poor is

· Kamesh Sethupathi

I strongly belive education has nothing to do with being rich, anyone could become richer or rise above poverty level if they have tirst and the ability to compare, Investigate and taking initiative.

Today let’s say you are earning 100 rupees per day and a person you know is earning 200 rupees per day, try to figure out what he is doing to get that extra 100 than yours and try to apply the same, it’s a try and won’t going to cost you much.

Constantly try to double your income and work towards it. Just like not every fruit tastes same not every work/business provides you the same income. Constantly keep asking how I could double the income, eventually you will figure it out.

I think one can never become rich by cutting out expenses or having strict budgets, though they are basics of life and good habit, one can become rich by constantly asking how to double the income and taking necessary actions / pivots.

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