
Mastering SaaS Success: Customer Relationships

· Kamesh Sethupathi

Mastering SaaS Success: Tackling Churn Rate and Prioritizing Customer Relationships

The biggest problem for any SaaS product is churn rate, that is the number of customers leaving the product.

It’s like a leaking bucket; the faster we try to fill it, the faster the rate customers leave.

For any product category you take, there will be a minimum of 10 to 50 players; the market is that crowded now. Customers have more options; products are adding useless features to lure potentials.

In the race for hunting new customers, we forget about existing ones.

It’s not just about providing great customer support; it’s about building trust, building partnerships, building a family-like experience.

Think, why does a customer buy our product? Either they are having a problem, or they assume they might have a problem, or simply because their competitors are using a similar one, so they want to too.

While onboarding itself, we should try to understand the customer’s problem, give free consultations, and if we feel our product is not the right fit for them, then we should openly suggest a good alternative.

We might lose a potential customer, but we have won their heart; they might recommend us to others, through word of mouth.

Let’s say, in our onboarding call, we have made sure our product is a good fit for the customer, and they became our customer. Then we should regularly keep in touch with the customer to understand how they are benefiting from our product; we should constantly think, “How could I provide even better results so my customer could benefit even more?”

We should think of our customers as our partners; we should always think about how we could help them achieve bigger through our product.

To achieve this, we need two teams: one who hunts for new customers and one who nurtures the existing ones.

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