
Detecting and Adapting to Device Types in React with Custom Hooks

· Kamesh Sethupathi
  • In the world of web development, creating responsive and adaptive user interfaces is crucial. Ensuring that your website or web application looks & functions well across various devices, from mobile phones to desktop computers, is a basic requirement.
  • One way to achieve this is by detecting the device type and adjusting your content or styles accordingly.
  • In this blog post, we’ll explore a custom React hook that allows you to detect the device type and adapt your UI based on the screen width.

useDeviceType Hook

Below useDeviceType hook aims to determine the device type based on the screen width using matchMedia.

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const useDeviceType = () => {
  const [deviceType, setDeviceType] = useState(null);

  // Define constants for media queries
  const MEDIA_QUERIES = {
    MOBILE: '(max-width: 767px)',
    TABLET: '(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px)',
    LAPTOP: '(min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1439px)',
    DESKTOP: '(min-width: 1440px)',

  useEffect(() => {
    const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia(

    const handleMediaChange = (mediaQueryList) => {
      if (mediaQueryList.matches) {
        if (mediaQueryList.media.includes(MEDIA_QUERIES.MOBILE)) {
        } else if (mediaQueryList.media.includes(MEDIA_QUERIES.TABLET)) {
        } else if (mediaQueryList.media.includes(MEDIA_QUERIES.LAPTOP)) {
        } else if (mediaQueryList.media.includes(MEDIA_QUERIES.DESKTOP)) {

    // Initial device type detection

    // Add event listener to update device type when the media query changes

    return () => {
      // Cleanup: remove the event listener when the component unmounts
  }, []);

  return deviceType;

export default useDeviceType;


import React from 'react';
import useDeviceType from './useDeviceType';

function MyComponent() {
  const deviceType = useDeviceType();

  return (
      <p>Device Type: {deviceType}</p>
      {/* Render different content based on the device type */}
      {deviceType === 'mobile' && <p>This is mobile content</p>}
      {deviceType === 'tablet' && <p>This is tablet content</p>}
      {deviceType === 'laptop' && <p>This is laptop content</p>}
      {deviceType === 'desktop' && <p>This is desktop content</p>}

export default MyComponent;

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