

👋 Hi!,

Welcome to my digital space! Here, you can get an exclusive look at the interesting projects I’ve been working on. It’s not just about products; it’s about turning ideas into reality.

Below, you’ll find a display of my handmade creations, the products that I’m truly passionate about. From open-source gems to my commercial projects, you can find them all here.

Product NameTypeDescription
iNotesPressOpensource📝 WordPress Note Taking plugin for teams
GmeetOpensourceGoogle chrome extention to automate boring life 😉
Class LandingOpensource🚀 An opensource landing page for your business
kReactOpensourceLet’s learn React by building react within 100 lines of code 🏂🏻

Feel free to explore, experiment, and if something catches your eye, don’t hesitate to dig deeper. These are like my digital babies, and I’m thrilled to share them with you.

Stay motivated and be productive

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